The new website is here!

News  — Sun 24 Mar 2019

Welcome to the new Markenburg website.

After 7 years of grateful use of the website that everyone now knew, it is time for a new Markenburg website. Switching to the new site offers us the opportunity to, for example, improve the user-friendliness and appearance of the site. After all, times change, and with that also the insights into how the whole website can look and function.

Of course you can also continue to use the already known services on this new site. Our entire productrange can also be found on the new website, including the handy personalization options and other already-known options. The new website also offers us opportunities for improvement in the future. For example, in the coming period we will further expand the product filter and be able to offer more background information in the form of articles and messages.

Switching to a new website is always exciting. Despite the thorough and repeated testing before we went "live", it can still happen that an irregularity slips trough. If you find or experience an irregularity. Feel free to mail to Our team will be there for you. And of course we like to improve, where possible.

We very much hope that you too will experience the new Markenburg website as a true improvement.

Old appearance versus new appearance